The insider researcher is a member of the group, organization, or community where they are conducting the study and, as such, may be assumed to have greater access to information, respondents, and data than a researcher who is external to the research setting. Although the concept of insiderness is applied primarily to qualitative methods of observation, interviewing, ethnography, and other normative techniques of gathering information, an insider researcher can also be positioned to gather quantitative forms of data.


  • Digital Transformations

    Digital transformation is the process of changing how an enterprise leverages technology, people and processes to improve business performance and embrace new business models. This transformation is cultural in nature and affects all elements of the business including sales, marketing, operations and customer service and is typically accompanied by a move to modern cloud technologies.

  • Research Insiders

    The insider researcher is a member of the group, organization, or community where they are conducting the study and, as such, may be assumed to have greater access to information, respondents, and data than a researcher who is external to the research setting. Although the concept of insiderness is applied primarily to qualitative methods of observation, interviewing, ethnography, and other normative techniques of gathering information, an insider researcher can also be positioned to gather quantitative forms of data.

  • Myths and Tales

    Folktales are stories with people as main characters that sometimes include feats of strength. Myths are stories told to explain the world around us, from the origin of the world, to why there are seasons. Finally, legends are grounded in reality, but aren't necessarily true.